Active since the 1950’s, the Cantrell’s are one of the oldest operators in the Illinois Basin. In the 1980’s, Jim Cantrell assumed operations from his father, Royal, who retired after a long, successful career as a drilling contractor in the basin.

With his ever expanding knowledge of the local geology, Jim focused his efforts on upstream production versus expanding in oilfield services. Over the next two decades, Jim built his reputation on developing underperforming leases. With his knowledge of the local geology and downhole experience, Jim found success through drilling new wells, recompleting existing wells, or re-engineering waterfloods, required for successful secondary recovery.

By 2002, Jim’s two sons, Chris and Cory, had become active in the industry. As time progressed over the next 15 years, Chris and Cory became more involved in and responsible for the daily operations. While Cory followed Jim’s passion for operations and geology, Chris focused on the business and development aspects of their business

With a growing interest and knowledge in seismic, Cory focused where these technologies, specifically slickwater hydraulic fracking techniques, could potentially liberate these tighter limestones. In June 2012, they decided to complete the Texaco Bramlett #14 using these new techniques and became the first operators to use hydraulic, slickwater frac a well in Illinois. Their success in proving these 3% porosity limestone could be economical ultimately lead to the sustained, multi-year growth in the Illinois Basin.

By 2015, the Cantrell’s interests had grown to over 175 wells and leasehold in excess of 4,000 acres. Jim was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Illinois Oil & Gas Association for his contribution to industry and has transitioned to retiremement.